Thursday, January 31, 2008
And yes! It's my birthday today :) and am a year older...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!
Time flies...thought that I just blew a cake few months back (?!)
Had a great dinner with my Family last night at Din Tai Fung...Butter's treat (again, thank you dear!! Heh) Was the last person to VIP ma :P Was really happy and yet part of me, I missed her badly...if only Grandma was there..could imagine how happy she would be..I miss her.
As much as what was lost...I'm grateful for what I have now....A family and of cos' Butter! :) They are the ones who make my every day meaningful and a day to look forward to.
Today is special's a day to remind how old I am (haha) and to treasure what I's no longer a day about party, cake or presents.
Happy Birthday Dear!!
On this last day of January XX years ago, someone up there must have know what I want this very day and allow a princess to be born. XX years later and let me meet her, hold her, kiss her and love her. I am grateful of this wonderful gift, this perfect gift of all my life.
And on this 1st hour of the last day of January 2008, I wish my lovely Princess, a wonderful wonderful birthday.
Although the journey of life may never be smooth, and shit happens ever so now and then, I know you'll do well my dear. And if ever so happens that you cannot hold the fort on your own, you can rest assured your knight is behind you all the way.
Love you dear! muacky!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monopoly! =D

My fav fav board game of all my life!!! Just had a wonderful wonderful session again with Toast's family. Really fun! With her mum, bro, sis and sis's BF =D
Although we were playing the classic rules, still it's very enjoyable. In fact I always have fun with the late nights games over at Toast's house hehe. Well it's better than watching movies at mine place that's for sure.
Truely enjoyed myself, hehe. This is one of the many many many reasons why she'll always be my one and only love =D, of cos the most important reason is who she is and who she'll be in my future life!
Wanna spend many many more happy moments with you darling! Hopefully the rest of my happy moments in my remaining life. Muacks! Love ya lots!
I can't resist posting this picture as well. Hehe.
Oh yes, mummy Toast wins the game. Hands down. Haha
Monday, January 28, 2008
Esplanade 19.01.08

Dinner was at Ichiban (Esplanade), nice Jap Food and Ambience but Queue Prone
Spent hours taking pics with Butter's 'De Kong' camera heh. Views were great from top of Esplanade especially when it began to get dark...beautiful! with all the city lights on.
Sometimes one just got to slow down to observe the pretty things around us. Similar to the beach...on the sands with your eyes closed, what do you hear? How do you feel? How often do we miss details that are always there? Like looking up into the sky the other night, a friend pointed out a planet near the was Mars! could feel a kind of excitment in me (well..used to think that planets can only be seen using telescope ma). If you focus enough, you will realise that Mars doesn't sparkle and it's like an orangy red dot in the sky. How easily it could be missed!
Looking forward to Batam this coming weekend, Butter bringing telescope heh.
Back to the pics was quite fun although quite a few's fault...perhaps photographer's hor? keke...ehhh...couldn't be mine ba heh...*ahem* quite photogenic ma :P
Alrightz...anyway took quite a number of pics...mostly me(sssss)....even had a pic with the merlion hehe....
Having a flu today...finally I'm sick! and on mc...and this super-sized pimple on my left cheek..looks like it's going to burst anytime...sad leh..and supposedly we are taking more pics this weekend and CNY is like next week...Shuckz!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
~Tea Break~
Lost without toast!
What's the purposes of butter without toast on a kitchen table??
This is Butter's 1st post! ^_^v
After a sunday afternoon's worth of work, this blog is up finally.
Although it's not very fancy and fairly plain, still its the fruit of our work.
And thats how its going to be for Butter and Toast, simple and fullfilling. simple food and yet filling to the tummy hehe. What else can one ask for?
Toast has completed Butter's life, giving meaning and directions to otherwise boring Butter.
Grateful to have found ya darling. Muacky!!
Can't go without butter!
It's just sooooo right! (for me of cos' heh)
There's a special feel in me
while bloggin' now
It's like "Hey, can you believe it?!"
Would like to dedicate this first entry
to a very special someone.
So unexpectedly that we met....
and feels so perfect
I'm so glad to have found you dear : )
So "Butter for Toast".....
Are you Butter or Toast?
I guess it doesn't matter ya
as long as it turns out to be a great combi *wink*