Thursday, May 29, 2008
Yo! It's been quite a while since I last blog. So what have I been doing ya?
Working, movies (that's an eerie poster! Butter simply refused to remove that!), spending time with Butter, shopping (GSS!), walking (enjoyed our walk to Kallang Leisure Mall last was really nice!), eating and sleeping heh.
Somehow feel good at my international workplace...only 4 (including myself) out of 20 in the department are Singaporeans ...the rest of my colleagues are from UK, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam etc....nice people!
This Sat having bowling session at Kallang Leisure with Butter and friends. The lanes are "all fully booked from 2pm to dawn" *manz!*.......I got the 12pm - 2pm slot.
Today supposed to go to the toy and comic fair at Suntec....(Butter loves toys! heh)
We were really serious of going until Butter's buddy, Adam, pointed out that it's in June (!) Win liaoz....both of us actually went to pre-register via email so that we don't have to queue today....can imagine the reaction of that guy receiving our registration.
This Sun having a celebration. Every 1st of every month marks a special day for me and Butter :P....Nah we don't celebrate every month......a kinda Anniversary thingy..then again....we are still months away from the 1 year celebration heh.
And....yeah! I love Friday! hehe
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Movie Reviews: Congkak
Description by myself personnally. The plot surrounds a family going for a holiday in their recently bought house in the rurals area in Malaysia. Little did they knew the house has an dark history. Things starts to get weird along their journey.
In Full malay language. Although visually, it's not scary. Audio effects gives the flim the horror edge. I have always been a fan of malay horror movies, mainly because most of them in the end will have a "show-down" between the evil and a powerful priest. Usually. If it gives me the creeps, it's a successful horror flim.
I give it 3 BUTTERS
Movie Reviews: Indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull
Butter's Review
Any hardcore Indi fan will love this one. It is exceptionally good with the original cast and directors / producers. Go watch it if you have watched the previous few
I give it 4 BUTTERS
Monday, May 19, 2008
Holland Ave - Flea Market

That was Shuian...Ex colleague. Had an International Seafood (if not wrong Vienna) buffet at Novena with them on Sat. Yummy! Lotsa Variety and very appetizing. Per Head is about S$45++. Anyway...FOC for me heee heee.
Happy Vesak Day!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Movie Reviews: Harold and Kumar 2 Escape from Guantanamo Bay
Movie Reviews: Made of Honor
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
When they say a typhoon's coming I didn't really quite buy it.
Since the morning was so hot and yesterday night is pretty calm.
Now, this very moment, I believed it!
In my hotel now on the highest floor, the wind is whacking my windows pretty bad, the howling and the rain beats. My god.... I wouldn't wanna be out there now really..
Trees are slanted in an uniform direction, the garbage are flying.
The howling scares me! None I have never seen or hear before!
Rain are going in horizontal form, hitting the windows panes really really hard.
Man... Didn't expect this to happen in Brunei.
Hope it subsudes in the morning =(
Oh dun worry, I am safe safe in the room.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Cos I'm leaving on a jet plane...
But I know actually when I'll be back again! hehe
At the Airport now, going Brunei again... haiizz the Holy Ground.
Was pretty early today. Mis-read the flight time, is actually 10.55am but I thought it's 10.00 am
Haizz... So here I am become a wanderer again in the airport.
Flight leaves exactly an hour from now.
This will be the longest time I will not be at Toast's side.
Will be missing her so.. but luckily! By the power bestowed on me from the world of internet and infotechnology! We will see each other everynight! hehe.
Bought a web cam for her previously for trips like this ^^. So we can still see each other and chat for free. hehe
I will be back soon my love! Muacks muacks
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Don't stop, don't change, stay beautiful!
One life, Today you're irresistible!
Get up, get out, stay wonderful!
All this time is waiting for you....
Dedicate this song for me heh
I'm starting a new job tomorrow! Job Hopper? Only those who don't know me well will say that.
I did make the wrong decision in the first place. Not resignation from the construction industry but going into beauty. I admit that was a wrong move. A move that almost cost my ricebowl (But that will not deter me from doing something I'm gonna believe in the future)
Throughout that period..did not drop the ball...took the challenge to hit sales, pushing myself to complete whatever I started...I take pride and ownership in whatever I do...even when it turns out to be the shittiest job on earth. Even when I feel the weight of bringing me down...somehow I will still hold my ground. Even when I'm unhappy about it...I will still complete it. That's me. But at the end of the day, someone gotta bear with my gloomy face la...too bad hee...that be short term...I'll be ok after a now! I'm up and back to my normal the looking good mode once again haha
Every now and then....I do grumble and complain about my life la...but well... life has been kind to me...coz after much thought, it could have been worse geeez. Now I have Butter, I still have my family together and I got myself a stable job with a MNC :P
And seriously, I think I'm beautiful..wahaha...great song!
Movie Reviews: What happens in Vegas
Butter's Review:
For those who longed for a romantic comedy that doesn't come so very often nowadays, this is the perfect wild one for you! Good for a laught.
I give it 4 BUTTERS
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Shots ~KL 01 - 04 May'08~

The queue for the bridge
(41st level...ermmm siemens office is on a much higher ground)
How long we q?? Gosh! The viewing batch started at 9+am...our turn?! Viewing time at 5.15pmWe went to meet Louise for lunch, visited her office as well...and watched Ironman at Pavilion heh the bridge.
Check out the view!
Convention Centre (The Aquarium)
I love the Horny Frogs pic taken by Butter below heee
So Cute!
They call it "The Eye of KL"
These 2 pics below...hehe
Poster Siahz!
We stood in front of that huge wall poster...haha
That's Louise apartment. I felt abit cheated. Always thought I could see the city and the towers.What I saw was another block of apartments opposite...and that block literally blocked the twin towers view. I rest my case. But her home is nice... cosy! And there was that joke on the storeroom. Thinking about that...I wana laugh...dun wana blog's really stoopid
We travelled via LRT to KLCC. Better than taking cab. The jam there = bad!
Seriously, I blamed myself for forgetting to take this Hard Rock stirrer home.
In KL, Butter and I had been eating....eating...and eating (my appetite kinda tripled there...Really love the food!).
In KL, Butter and I had been walking...walking...and walking.
Something I come to conclusion:-
When they say "it's near", my definition ~ Quite Far
When they say "it's quite near ", my definition ~ very very Far. In fact Super Far!
o when there was that guy telling us "it's quite near..." Thank goodness...we took the cab! ______________________________________
Sounded like it was my first time in KL? In was my first time visiting there as a tourist putting aside the fact that I used to stay and work there for months.
It's been a great trip for both of us (although we stayed in Budget Hotel heh)...So who says KL is boring?!
Movie Reviews: Ironman
Butter's review:
One word.... nice! Common, any movie goers would have want to watch this show. Stay after the credits, for alittle thingy, only marvel fans would understand.
I give it 5 BUTTERS
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Holiday time!
In just less then an hour, Toast will be coming over and off we will go to KL!
Honestly, although I have travelled a fair bit to many places, this is actually the 1st time I am going to see KL proper! Something so close yet I have never been to.
The last time was just from Malacca to KL airport (which is pretty impressive as well btw) taking a plane to China. It's so easy to overlook the things that are closest to us, yet we don't bother even to think about it.
The theory is the same for people to people relationships, when two person gets together close enough for a long time, it is so easy to take each other for granted. Like you know, throwing temper etc, most people has forgotten that the person next to you is someone you have choosen to share your life with, not a boxing pad nor a maid. So please treasure who you have, words sometimes arn't just enough to cover that, actions speaks louder. ;)
Anyways, pictures coming soon!
(of all the mornings for the past few days, it chooses to rain today... =/)