Monday, June 30, 2008
Movie Reviews: Get Smart
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Toys & Comic Convention 2008 (Suntec)
Butter seemed abit disappointed. I'm not a fan but I thought the toys and comics were pretty limited. Perhaps the one that can give that "Wow!" factor gotta be in Tokyo.
Share with you guys something. Butter made me watch Death Note and Star Wars. Those were movies that I wouldn't watch on my own accord :p hehe But I ended up loving the plots and characters. For Star Wars, eh...all I used to know...was the favourite toys among my cousins decades back. And what I was most familiar with was the black thing, the green dwarf thing, the gold human robot, the short robot and that hairy thing. Then we had smurfs, transformers and legos in our toy buckets.
(Darth Vader is an Iconic Villian, tragic fall of former self Anakin fact thought he is quite a sad character. An impressive war movie ever made in history based on past technology. Just by watching a part (with Butter busy explaining the characters and plots of coz' heh), I have to say George Lucas is a genius!
Death Note is really good as well. Intelligent plot. I like "L"...too bad he died.) you can pics of me.Coz.....I'm the photographer!!! Butter actually took a picture of me...Thought my face looked kinda "swell up" due to sleep and partying at Dragonfly on Friday night.
Made Shirley and Ping to reach dragonfly before 8.30pm on Fri. Coz I want my table heh. Was quite surprised seeing the crowd there early..but anyway was happy...coz I got my table in front of stage :P
(Butter wasn't there. He doesn't like to club so I went ahead with the gals.)
Jiaying came to join us at 9 plus with Shirley busy mixing the drinks. I suggest we mix ourselves the next time round. And just as the real party was getting started, one of Shirley's friends went down and the other puked all over the floor. The one who went down was pretty scary, thought I heard myself scream. So suddenly! He looked so alright and the next second he just free fall backwards and lost all his balance. We tried to get him to sit and he fell onto the floor again. The frightening part was his eyes were wide open and in a daze, felt like sending him to hospital. Then the next minute, there was vomit all over the floor where the guy fell. Super disgusting I tell you. And there was that poor girl in dress slipped and fell into the vomit. We tried to grab her...but it was too slippery. Thinking of that, feel like puking now. Gross!
Well that incident kinda woke us up and ruined the party mood. We ended up leaving before 2am. And the next day, woke up with splitting headache. Think I told Butter "not going to chiong anymore."
On Thursday night, attended company team bonding session. The cooking challenge! and it was really fun. We were all separated into teams. Was in Team 1, the one and only lady in the team heh.
The challenge was divided into 2 parts. Part 1, each team was given 2 malay dishes to cook. Our team got the toughest dishes, 2 types of curry at a given time. I had never cut so many onions in my life ( for the paste preparation)...what a teary experience! Our teamwork was fantastic, we completed our dishes way before time...while the rest were still struggling, we were sitting around shaking legs, KPOing at others' areas and enjoying wine (except for me, was enjoying my lemon tea heh).
Then came the second part, the blackbox challenge. We were given 20 mins to come out with a dish using chicken. Everyone looked abit lost at first coz we gotta make do with what we have available. So my team guys looked at me...and I said "Stewed chicken??". That was the first thing that came to my mind, a dish that I cooked sometimes over the weekend. The "Tou You Kuay" translated as chicken in dark sauce, soya sauce, oyster sauce and sesame oil.
The guys gave me that ??????????????? look and unconvincingly "ok, we will do that!"
At that moment, was abit brain-dead. Almost forgot how to cook that totally. Gosh! And everybody in the team kept asking me questions. I ended up pouring all the sauces together "Let's start with marination!"
"shitz! my chicken is black!"
"too much dark sauce?!"
"I need water!"
"I need pepper"
"Where's the pot?! Boil it! throw the chicken in!"
(12 mins to go...)
"Shucks! will the chicken be cooked by boiling?? Left 10 mins only!"
(Then the Chef suggested: "maybe you should cut the chicken up")
Anyway, we did cut the chicken...don't ask me how....geez
"The chicken looks black...supposed to look like this?"
"You need chilli? Red Chilli...or Green?"
"Nahh...They won't go well...this is soya chicken you know."
"You just slice the potato and carrot."
"Oh... (??)...ok"
(2 mins to go...)
"Chicken cooked?"
"Looks cooked."
"Add Sugar!!! Add Water!!!"
(1 min + to go...)
"Taste like sesame oil...supposed to taste like that?"
"Ermmmm....yes..." (In fact the taste was so different from what I cooked at home *sob*)
"Then you got it right" :)
(10 secs...)
"Lets put it up!"
"Actually your chicken looks good...traditional home cooked style."
"But maybe we should have fried the chicken cutlet or something...."
Teams...please name your dish!
"Ok, I will call mine - Stewed Black Chicken. do you name it in Malay?"
win Liaoz!
Anyway....My black chicken won the challenge of the day! Our team took home the prizes! heh. Other teams actually fried their chickens and somehow they were in a mess. The organiser went to share with everyone on what she observed in our team...I felt abit touched haha
We had our dinner at about 9pm. We ate what we cook :P with wines. The dinning room was really nice and cosy.
The session was great...Coz I ended up clicking pretty well with my UK colleagues.
House viewing later. Hee. And for that ROM question...If all go well....should be next year *wink*
Have a nice day!
Movie Reviews: Wanted
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Our First Flat Viewing
Our first flat viewing today. Went to check out 2 units few blocks away from my house. There's one unit hmmn not bad....4-rm, spacious, mid-leve, accessible, walking distance to my existing house and near Tampines Mall. However, we prefer to look at a few more units before deciding...perhaps one that can give us the "Yes! this is it!" feel. Realise it's not easy getting a unit with the perfect feel...either it has this but not that or that but not this.
Dream house? I do have one in mind. I would love to have a high level cosy apartment with water view come with a nice balcony where I can relak...of coz not without low lights, a nice drink and soothing background music....wind blowing into my face...the moon and the romantic....
Alright alright....I should wake up liao hehe
Anyway...both Butter and I gona build a nice cosy home...some ideas in mind le :P...and our toilets gonna be a good one heh...
And last but not least....we will be getting married! : )
Will be blogging on this special chapter of my watch this space.
Gosh...tomo is Mon again....every week passes so quickly..manz!
Movie Reviews: The Happening
The story unfolds as people around the eastern coast of the US starts committing sucides. What appearred to be a terrorist plot turns out to be nature's ultimate defenses for survival.
Butter's Review:
I give it 1 BUTTER. (It would have been negative ratings if I weren't feeling lazy to create a negative butter rating......)
Movie Reviews: You Don't Mess With the Zohan
Butter's Review:
Nothing to do? Go ahead to catch this movie. Some funny bits and constant plots. However some bits which are funny for the 1st time, may get abit tiring when the movie goes on.
I give it 3 BUTTERS
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
blue chick, yellow chick, pink chick

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Pig-ing weekend!
Been transformed into a pig since friday. Been napping away haha.
Good rest, good break to strive for the weeks to come.
lotsa big things gonna happen this year for Toast and me! Got to work hard for it. House hunting, ROM etc etc. Taking things one at a time, moving forward and yet at a comfy pace is what I am looking for hehe. Last thing I want is to be overwhelmed preparing for the biggest step in our lives.
Looking forward to the future really. Our perfect home, our perfect life together. What we have to many is probably "Isn't that boring?" Well.... you can say that, but then being together is about enjoying each other company. If there's something interesting to do, that's a bonus, if not, a stroll down memory lane issn't that bad of a past time. I feel that's where a couple can understand and feel each other at another level.
Work is hectic as it is already, being home and be able to enjoy each other's company is the best way to de-stress. Many years down the road, if we can talk like courtship days, I recognised that as a successful union.
Oh well, I am just writing. haha
Had a catch up session with the boys just now, mainly is for Gummy. Haven seen that bear for ages. Still going well, pretty glad. And seems he has the same plan as us for this year. Good! Double happiness! Wish him the best also.
Everything seems so exciting at the moment, planning is actually quite fun and just talking / discussing about it, Toast and I often overwhelm ourselves with excitment. Looked forward to realising our dreams together. hehe.
Okies enough le, otherwise ppl reading this will have goosebumps all over (I get that feedback all the time.) Then again..... WHO CARES??! haha.
Updates Time
De-energized yesterday...woke up in the morning feeling really tiredz. Still managed to go for my facial at Leonard Drake in the afternoon (nowadays so hard to get the slots I want)
The therspist commented "wah very long no see you"...
"your appointments always full leh"
Anyway she got a way to convince me to do a rather painful treatment...perhaps I could trust her professionalism better and also, she had a good understanding of my skin and my preferences.(For therapist, I would have refused straightaway).
R.I Treatment - Infra Red and Radio Frequency.
Enhance collagen, skin elasticiy, wrinkles reduction, elimination of open pores etc
So the price?..It's not cheap but I have an existing package with them :P
And why I said it was painful....the whole treatment felt like being snapped by many elastic rubber bands on your face...and caused your body to jerk abit (similar to LHE). My extent on the price of beauty heh.
After facial, went to meet Butter for Dinner at Bedok then we went to the Library. Thought Library was nice!
Anyway got home early last night and popped 1 panadol...then went straight to bed. It was before 10pm hehe.
Oh bumped into Nicholas (ex colleague) and his wife...took me a while to register who he was when he called my name. Looked so different...stylo milo with that Jap hairstyle!
Woke up at 9 plus this morning...that's how many hours of sleep?! But I feel really fresh now :)
Met up TMer for dinner last week at Punggol Park. Brought back good old time.
Time flies manz...she is holding the wedding dinner September this year. We were talking about it a year ago then. I will be one of her first time wor! That will be so fun! As for the stage thing...ehhhh...don't think I can make it what Butter said "don't be the ones to spoil the dinner lah." hehe
Be attending a wedding dinner tonight....what to wear...what to wear...
Hope this coming week will be "Wu Jing Wu Xian" for me at senior colleague on full week leave
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Song Dedication - To Butter
From the moment I saw you,
From the moment I looked into your eyes.
There was something about you.
I knew, I knew,
That you were once in a lifetime,
A treasure near impossible to find.
And I know how lucky I am to have you.
Cause I've seen rainbows that could take your breath away,
the beauty of the setting sun,
on any given day.
When it comes to shooting stars,
I have seen a few,
but I'd never seen anything as beautiful as you.
I can't believe that I have you,
I can't believe that you're here in my arms.
I've been waiting a lifetime for you, for you,
And I've dreamed about you,
I pictured in my mind what I would see,
but I never imagined just how beautiful you'd be.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Movie Reviews: The Incredible Hulk 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Ok ok my turn to blog! ^-^
Had a wonderful dinner just now at bugis with Toast. And there after a PS session (hehe), Toast accompanied me to Kallang! To my uncle ex-shop, an used to be aquarium shop.
Had a few memory flashbacks just now. I grew up there during my little butter years. Every Chinese new year, or other festive seasons, my mum will bring me there to visit my grandparents. The very big family of ours will gather, have fun. The adults will be drinking their beers and talking about what's the latest news etc, we kids will be playing on the streets in front of the shop.
And that wonderful market in front! I remember I used to buy alot of those collectibles stickers from there and paste them in the sticker albums. Awww how I missed those, I lost most of them now =(, probably still around the house somewhere, one day I'll find them hehe. Especially the Ultraman one! I loved that album! Among that, there's still the fireworks sticks I bought, the toys, all of which I would have saved a few weeks of pocket money to buy. After which will share among my cousins and we all had fun! =D
What wonderful yesteryear those were. Life is simple back then, and yet we are so happy. Without a care in the world! All of us has grown up now, many of whom are already married and I already have nephews now! How time flies... Now we have our job, our future to worry about.
No matter, I am starting a new life with Toast now ^-^. And with her, I truly felt the type of happiness I had once during my kid days. The type of carefree life I have always longed to remember.. it has finally come back =D
Dear, you are simply SPLENDID!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Thumbs up for Kung Fu Panda! heee
Our rings nice rite? Love mine. Thanks Butter! *muack* Looking forward to our future together. I always feel there's a kinda magic when comes to love and there is this sense of special happiness glowing from within. And it is sweet...because it is simple when come to both of us.
Don't blog much nowadays...coz usually when I got home...went straight to bed after shower. My job has been good....Like what Butter said "you will enjoy working in MNC"...Yupz I do hehe.
Think pretty soon, I will become ang mo pai liao :P
Oh...I'm back to my normal size in...I'm slim minus that tummy! Yeah! I think I look good although I like to ask Butter "Am I pretty?" (Believe he can't stand that question)
Somehow being slim makes me look taller...and better in heels...ermmm....dunno why lately I feel that I'm getting taller than Butter wor (hehehehe)
Anyway, Butter looks like a teddy bear....very cute! Like a huge soft toy which you wana carry back home....if only I can carry him without breaking my bones :(
Going to have steamboat at Bugis the soup!!!! Wana eat alot tonight!!!! hehe
Friday, June 6, 2008
Movie Reviews: Kung Fu Panda
Butter's Review:
If you are looking for a great weekend, this is the ultimate movie for you. Funny till the last drop I promised! A great way to end the weekend. I have been specially instructed by Toast to give it a 5 BUTTERS. Haha
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
A new Chapter of Butter and Toast
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Simply the Best!
you give me strength and support whenever i'm down
you never fail to make me laugh and take away my blues
you are simply adorable :)
you are my best partner and my best friend.
May the upcoming 6 months be a wonderful and fruitful journey for both of us...let's have a nice celebration and great countdown on the last day of Year 2008!
Love you very much! Muackz
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Half year Anniversary dear!!!
Really really enjoyed myself yesterday! Muacks!
On this faithful day, my wish is that many many more anniversaries to come!
Love you lots!
I really enjoy spending time with you, really I do. Every single day not seeing you seems like eternity. Thank you for being in my life, and thank you for being who you are, and I love you very much.
Let's enjoy today, our 1st 1/2 year, and many others 1st's that'll be coming. Muacks!
Movie Reviews: Sex and the City
Movie Reviews: The Cronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian
Butter's review:
If you like The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, you will absolutely love Prince Caspian. The fight sceens will not dissapoint you at all. Pretty lengthy, so you might consider a Gold class seats for this one, the show certainly warrants it!
I give it 5 BUTTERS