AVENUE Q is the story of Princeton, a bright-eyed college grad who comes to New York City with big dreams and a tiny bank account. He soon discovers that the only neighborhood in his price range is Avenue Q; still, the neighbors seem nice. There's Brian the out-of-work comedian and his therapist fianceƩ Christmas Eve; Nicky the good-hearted slacker and his roommate Rod -- a Republican investment banker who seems to have some sort of secret; an Internet addict called Trekkie Monster; and a very cute kindergarten teaching assistant named Kate. And would you believe the building's superintendent is Gary Coleman?!? (Yes, that Gary Coleman.) Together, Princeton and his newfound friends struggle to find jobs, dates, and their ever-elusive purpose in life.Watched this wonderful musical last week, ^^ one of the best I have ever watched. Truly amazing and absolutely funny! About the Characters:
PRINCETONEducation level: Degree in EnglishOccupation:
Full time Job Seeker
Biggest asset: Plenty of knowledge
Most frequent thought: Four years of college and plenty of knowledge
A dreamer of all things perfect when he leaves college. Princeton dreams are dashed when he can’t find a job to supplement his dwindling bank account. If you are interested to help him, please send a cheque to: Apartment 5, Avenue Q, New York City 4555
KATE MONSTEREducation level: Unknown. But do we care?
Occupation: Kindergarten Teaching Assistant
Figure Stats: We are not interested
Biggest asset: Her big heart
Most frequent thought: Why can’t I find love?
Kate monster is sweet, Kate Monster is nice, Kate Monster is kind of pretty. Kate Monster pines for love the most and is a helpless romantic. She hopes to find her true love one day who do not find her hairy.
LUCY THE SLUTEducation level: Unknown, but majors in manipulating men
Occupation: Cabaret singer
Sex: Often
Figure Stats: 38- 25 - 36
Biggest asset: Only two
Most frequent thought: Men are toys
Lucy is the most sought after cabaret singer, but that is not the only thing that the audience is drawn to. She is proud of her hourglass figure and therefore frequently reveals her two biggest friends when she has a chance to.
RODEducation level: Finance Degree (Boring!)
Occupation: Investment banker
Biggest asset: Having a roommate to fantasize about
Most frequent thought: I’ve got a secret and I gotta hide it!
Rod is boring. He has a boring job (Investment banker) and a boring party inclination (he is a proud republication). He loves all things prim and proper and insists on ironing his underwear.
NICKYEducation level: Unknown
Occupation: Full time Slacker
Biggest asset: Having a roommate to fantasize about
Most frequent thought: Is Rod Gay? Gay, not gay, gay, not gay.. GAY, YAY!
Good hearted Nicky is the perfect opposite of his roommate Rod. He does not iron his underwear and lives life day by day irritating his roommate. He frequently wonders if Rod is gay.
Trekkie MonsterEducation level: Unknown.
Occupation: Observer of naked bodies
Biggest asset: Having a computer that has fast connection to the internet
Most frequent thought: PORN! PORN! PORN!
An observer of all things naked, Trekkie stays at home most of the time to observe the newest images from the internet. Occasionally, he pops out to convince others that internet is better used for porn.
It's a absolutely amazing musical, it's still going on till (I think) mid November. So if you haven't already, do go pick up a ticket for it. I'll bet you'll love it as well. ^_^PS: Not suitable for children though.5 BUTTERS worth!!!