Monday, February 4, 2008

A lonely night


Yet another lonely night in Brunei....
The main reason why i hated travelling is the lonely nights like this in the hotel. Nothing to do... no-one to talk to... haizzz.... Going to watch some DVDs I bought earlier later. What's new? (doh..)

Don't get me wrong, I love Brunei. It's quiet, peaceful, slow paced, safe and least complicated lifestyle. Perfect place to start a family or retire. But let's face the reality, this is not a place where jobs are avaliable easily. Most Bruneians stick to their job till they retire. So settling here is quite immpossible, and seriously who would want to have a holiday in a place like this? So chances of coming to Brunei is near ZERO, well with execptions of business trips that is.

Ahhhhhh i am typing nonsense already.. a big HAIIZZZZZ. Darling toast is out with her mate from overseas, hope she's having more fun then I am. But I did have a good meal just now in a new sushi place in town! =D Wasn't there the last time I were here. They have a little train pulling sushis along, so cute! haha. The food is excellent too! I have found a new favourite dinning place here besides my usual $15 lobster place =P (haha), which is equally good too.

Ok I go watch shows already, then hit the sack early for the meeting tomorrow. Otherwise i scared will be too tired to drive. n_n zzz

Dear, if you reading this, do msg me when you're safely hm ya? Miss you. Muacky!

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