So much things to do / think / liase / co-ordinate !!!
Why can't people co-operate and work things out???
Dealing with exterior is bad enough and I have fight against internal people!
But nevermind as always, yours truly me Butter, will emerge victorious once again hahaha. Who am i kidding? Anyways going on to my subject for tonight.
Ego-maniacs, are the worst kind people can evolve into. Before you start thinking the world has to serve you, look at yourself at what you got to offer them? Sure sure, you have your theories, you have your thinking, bring it out in the open and discuss it, doesn't mean the people under you have to listen to you ALWAYS! Being successful issn't a previlleage, it's merely you are luckier than others.
Argue you may, you worked yourself to this level, but without luck that brings you the opportunities, you won't be where you are. Be it chancing on a newspaper job ad, be it getting to know the right person at the right time etc etc etc, those are just luck. And so what if you have put in efforts? Doesn't mean you are always right, junoirs around you may seems "junoir" to you, but there's always a good chinese saying 长江后浪推前浪。For the benefits of others, it says In the River, the back waves pushed the front waves.
What that's supposed to mean is new generations will always take over the old. And among whom, you will find great minds. So becareful who you sprout your "Big Bang" theories to, becareful who you try to belittle by lecturing, they might be the next big thing.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Another sharing session heh
Like to share with Butter about my stories...stories that made me feel really proud of...and the ones that ..well..otherwise. Not showing off on how much I had been through....nor how weak I used to be...of coz NOT how tough I was! It's about sharing what made me who I am today. If my tears ever fall or if ever jump with joy..........you know me.
I used to answer too many things to people in the past...nowadays I don't. I draw my line well.
Somehow age makes one wiser (not always the case)...and again not saying "I'm very wise"...but enough to realise how to give my best to build a home and a future that I dream having.
For those who are feeling down...or lost....or lonely....hey! don't be! Perhaps don't be too hard on yourself....relak!...cheer up!....Love yourself! Eh.......You are beautiful! Yaaaaaaaaa......Everyone is beautiful in his/her own way. Once you have the right positive mind...you be surprised how the universe conspire and work things out for you *wink*
I have my downs too....not everyday is a Sunday! hee But if ever I feel that I'm the saddest person living in this world...I will remind myself how lucky I am...with all the 5 senses..a whole body walking on this earth...ya it's bad to compare myself with the handicap..but well that's life..nothing is fair. And perhaps a handicap learns how to live better than anyone of us.
People tend to punish themselves when they make mistakes...when they lost something or when they are sad. That's the badest (please ignore this bad english) and weakest thing to do siahz. Things are already bad...you don't make it worse ya. Same goes to - life is hard, you don't make it harder....or health is already in danger, don't make it dangerous (heh)
~ We will all gonna die someday...but that does not give one an excuse to waste it ~
Like to share with Butter about my stories...stories that made me feel really proud of...and the ones that ..well..otherwise. Not showing off on how much I had been through....nor how weak I used to be...of coz NOT how tough I was! It's about sharing what made me who I am today. If my tears ever fall or if ever jump with joy..........you know me.
I used to answer too many things to people in the past...nowadays I don't. I draw my line well.
Somehow age makes one wiser (not always the case)...and again not saying "I'm very wise"...but enough to realise how to give my best to build a home and a future that I dream having.
For those who are feeling down...or lost....or lonely....hey! don't be! Perhaps don't be too hard on yourself....relak!...cheer up!....Love yourself! Eh.......You are beautiful! Yaaaaaaaaa......Everyone is beautiful in his/her own way. Once you have the right positive mind...you be surprised how the universe conspire and work things out for you *wink*
I have my downs too....not everyday is a Sunday! hee But if ever I feel that I'm the saddest person living in this world...I will remind myself how lucky I am...with all the 5 senses..a whole body walking on this earth...ya it's bad to compare myself with the handicap..but well that's life..nothing is fair. And perhaps a handicap learns how to live better than anyone of us.
People tend to punish themselves when they make mistakes...when they lost something or when they are sad. That's the badest (please ignore this bad english) and weakest thing to do siahz. Things are already bad...you don't make it worse ya. Same goes to - life is hard, you don't make it harder....or health is already in danger, don't make it dangerous (heh)
~ We will all gonna die someday...but that does not give one an excuse to waste it ~
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Movie Reviews: Dance of the Dragon
Butter's Review:
A decent effort to display an artistic flim. a soft atmosphere of dancing with a dash of kung fu excitment. This is a good flim to catch in the lazy weekend afternoon. Romantic get away which sends your mind exploring the stars. If not for a few moments which kinda knock me out to dreamland, I would give it an above average rating. Still go watch it if you can.
I give it 3 Butters:
Movie Reviews: Superhero Movie
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pic taken in the MRT earlier hehe...using Butter's new LG KS20 phone...the touch phone... I also want!....I want i phone!!!
Had my hair cut shorter by Butter's favourite hairstylist last weekend...was kinda (too) long and irritating....tempted to go for the bob (saw a nicely done bob by her before...she is good!) but anyway....got it layered instead coz she said that suit me better.
Head felt much lighter now!
And I love Butter's movie rating system...the face rating...so cute ya haha...so upcoming reviews on Super Hero Movie, Ironman etc (?) heee
At work, busy handing over to new colleague...geez...I'm busier than usual siahz. Thought life would be easier (?!) Anyway, I'm looking forward to my new future!
It was after lunch...and I was talking to Butter on the phone while following behind colleagues back to office. Then....there was that super long queue!
Heard people talking to one another...it goes something like this ~
"Wahhhh!...they queuin for what ah???"
"Don't know leh???...Must be free things!!!"
" Ehh...very long queue hor!"
"Must be free goodies lah!!!"
"Wonder what they giving???...cannot see leh.."
"Queue first! queue first!...ehhh you go in front to check leh..."
I was really distracted then...ehhh...so I hung up my line with Butter...........Oops!
Yupz...I went to join the queue without knowing exactly WHY.
Finally a colleague came back "Quick go grab a copy of Today paper outside MRT!"
Back with the papers...
"So What page!...What page HUH?!"
So well....
I got a 1 whole pack of curry flavour maggie mee.
Working at Raffles Place...I have also learnt something else...ermmm...a new skill perhaps....aiming seats using tissue....as in a more classy term "seat reservation" (during lunch time). You should see how I throw the packet on the seat before someone else manz! It's a matter of seconds *Hher!*..the sense of satisfaction!
(Butter said if he ever see tissue on the seat...he will simply use it heh)
Shucks! 12am now...way past my bedtime!!!
Slept at 9 plus last night hehe..
And oh...I love Friday! hehe
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Movie Reviews: The Other Boleyn Girl
Butter's Review:
Twisted world of the royalty in england. Where betrayal, lies and deception surrounds the royal court. This movie gives a background story of the 1st Queen Elizabeth's parents. Gives a good thing to ponder about in regards to moral values and ethics. Good to catch anytime.
I give it 4 BUTTERS
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Movie Reviews: The Forbidden Kingdom
Butter's Review:
......... I don't even know where to start... Fight scenes are good, as usual, comedy level is down to a minimum even for Jackie Chan. Basically don't anticipate too much out of this...
I give it 2 BUTTERS
Movie Reviews: The Orphanage (Spianish)
The Orphanage centers on a Laura (Belén Rueda) who purchases her beloved childhood orphanage with dreams of restoring and reopening the long abandoned facility as a place for disabled children. Once there, Laura discovers that the new environment awakens her sons imagination, but the ongoing fantasy games he plays with an invisible friend quickly turn into something more disturbing. Upon seeing her family increasingly threatened by the strange occurrences in the house, Laura looks to a group of parapsychologists for help in unraveling the mystery that has taken over the place.
Butter's Review:
Pretty scary movie, both from sound and visual effects alike. I love the plot and how the movie makes you think and wonder throughout the entire flim. The movie ends with a sad twist, but much delighted in some sense. Well worth the weekend, I would have give it a max if there was an english translated version.
I give it 4 BUTTERS
Movie Reviews: Shutter (2008)
A newlywed couple Ben and Jane move to Japan for a promising job opportunity - a fashion shoot in Tokyo. During their trip on a dark forest road they experience a tragic car accident, leading to the death of a young local girl. Upon regaining consciousness, they find no trace of her body. A bit distraught the couple arrives in Tokyo to begin their new life. Meanwhile Ben begins noticing strange white blurs in many of his fashion shoot photographs. Jane believes that the blurs are actually spirit photography of the dead girl who they hit on the road, and that she may be seeking vengeance.
Butter's Review:
Yet another re-make of Asian's horror movies. In any case, the originals are still better. However, this re-make has been pretty good and entertaining. Plot's the same and cast is fantastic. Does give a good scare.
I give it a rating of 4 BUTTERS
Movie Reviews: Flood
Butter's Review:
The usual no plot style kinda of movie. There wasn't a very solid foundation of storyline going on. However it does reminds one how un-forgiving mother nature is when we don't respect her. For entertainment sake, not very worth the weekend.
I give it rating of 2 BUTTERS
Movie Reviews: The Bucket List
Carter and Edward get an unexpected wake-up call and end up a roommates in the hospital. They decide to make a list of what they wanted to do and see before they kicked the bucket. Through their adventures they became best friends and came to the conclusion that it was never too late to live life to its fullest.
Butter's Review:
Truly amazing and beautiful. No special CGs, no special effects. Purely plot driven and has certainly impresses me deeply. Not sure if this is still on-going in the cinemas, but do catch it if you happen to chance into a place thats still show it. Well worth the weekend.
I give it 5 BUTTERS:
Movie Review: Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon
Butter's review:
Overall, the movie issn't as fantastic as what I hoped it will be. Fighting scene is a blur, plot is totally off the records of history books. However, I do enjoy spoofs / spin offs from original creations, this movie issn't that bad with exception of irritable fight scenes.
In summary, it's a OK flim for the 3 Kingdoms ignorants and an ultimate disaster for the 3 Kingdoms hardcore fans.
I give it a rating of 2 BUTTERS
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tomorrow is FRrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yeah!
Ermmm....actually don't really know what to update here.....eh...I had mushroom swiss (single) meal for lunch today heh :P
Was at a roadshow yesterday (location: Marina Mandarin Hotel, Secretaries' Summit) Managed to take some goodies home heeee...Don't mean to sound bad....but secretaries...well....the ones that I saw yesterday...haiz....like fall in the age category of 35 -59 years....manz! And quite a number of them had either the school principal look or that super auntie pattern...shucks! Imagine 8 years down the road...I become like.....choi! Choi! choi! Anyway think very soon..I'm gonna be an auntie too...BUT...I'm gonna be a stylo milo one! Actually being an auntie is a natural process...That's right...I'm getting myself prepared now.....so when the time comes...I can embrace it with JOY. Crapz
Butter watching commercial now (at this very moment)....nah...not at his home...the sound from webcam...I have one! he bought for me heee so that we can still see each other ma when he's overseas. Oh....Both of us be going KL (Kuala Lumpur) on 1st May...back Singapore on 4th...and Butter leaving for UK on 5th...Looking forward to our trip!
"ermmm...Louise...you reading ???? Remember to help me collect my return coach tixs ya!! I owe you 2 crabs....as promised...1 hairy crab and 1 hairless wahaha...want to KPO and see your apartment too "P...heard that apartment with city view very expensive...hmmn...you very "poor" hor......Oh and your housewarming.....don't forget to include abalone....maybe I should write you a list on (what I want to eat)....me VIP leh (other country)!"
Talking about KL...kinda craving for the hokkien mee now.....it's so different from Singapore's....Ya..I love it black hiakz
And on food...well...Ms Toast had been cooking on weekends hehe. Eh...no more always Yong Tau Foo Soup liao...upgraded k. Now I can make Seaweed soup and Bak Kut Teh...And fry chicken wings, omelette, spinach....etc etc etc..the only dish which don't think I will cook is...FISH!..coz very smelly....perhaps and maybe coz Mum used to keep fish as pet. Thank goodness that is not one of Butter's favourite! heh....If I didn't recall wrongly...he once told me that he loves plain rice with soya sauce..serious! I'm not joking!....heh..that's one of the reasons why I always feel that i'm the lucky one...so now you know...haha
Alrightz! enough of crappin' here....kinda tired now....OoOo...bedtime getting near (nowadays in dreamland before 11pm) going for my shower now.
And YESH!!!! it's a friday......soon...... *wink*
Tomorrow is FRrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yeah!
Ermmm....actually don't really know what to update here.....eh...I had mushroom swiss (single) meal for lunch today heh :P
Was at a roadshow yesterday (location: Marina Mandarin Hotel, Secretaries' Summit) Managed to take some goodies home heeee...Don't mean to sound bad....but secretaries...well....the ones that I saw yesterday...haiz....like fall in the age category of 35 -59 years....manz! And quite a number of them had either the school principal look or that super auntie pattern...shucks! Imagine 8 years down the road...I become like.....choi! Choi! choi! Anyway think very soon..I'm gonna be an auntie too...BUT...I'm gonna be a stylo milo one! Actually being an auntie is a natural process...That's right...I'm getting myself prepared now.....so when the time comes...I can embrace it with JOY. Crapz
Butter watching commercial now (at this very moment)....nah...not at his home...the sound from webcam...I have one! he bought for me heee so that we can still see each other ma when he's overseas. Oh....Both of us be going KL (Kuala Lumpur) on 1st May...back Singapore on 4th...and Butter leaving for UK on 5th...Looking forward to our trip!
"ermmm...Louise...you reading ???? Remember to help me collect my return coach tixs ya!! I owe you 2 crabs....as promised...1 hairy crab and 1 hairless wahaha...want to KPO and see your apartment too "P...heard that apartment with city view very expensive...hmmn...you very "poor" hor......Oh and your housewarming.....don't forget to include abalone....maybe I should write you a list on (what I want to eat)....
Talking about KL...kinda craving for the hokkien mee now.....it's so different from Singapore's....Ya..I love it black hiakz
And on food...well...Ms Toast had been cooking on weekends hehe. Eh...no more always Yong Tau Foo Soup liao...upgraded k. Now I can make Seaweed soup and Bak Kut Teh...And fry chicken wings, omelette, spinach....etc etc etc..the only dish which don't think I will cook is...FISH!..coz very smelly....perhaps and maybe coz Mum used to keep fish as pet. Thank goodness that is not one of Butter's favourite! heh....If I didn't recall wrongly...he once told me that he loves plain rice with soya sauce..serious! I'm not joking!....heh..that's one of the reasons why I always feel that i'm the lucky one...so now you know...haha
Alrightz! enough of crappin' here....kinda tired now....OoOo...bedtime getting near (nowadays in dreamland before 11pm) going for my shower now.
And YESH!!!! it's a friday......soon...... *wink*
Sunday, April 13, 2008
May B'dae 2008
Happy B'dae May!! finally XX years old liao!
Okies pictures from the "wild" night, chaotic, as usual haha.
Happy B'dae May!! finally XX years old liao!
Okies pictures from the "wild" night, chaotic, as usual haha.
B'dae girl with everyone else
Butter & May
May & Toast
May & Cindy
May & Jimmy
May & Joe
May & Steve
May & Chris
Gummy & May
Janice & May
Sweet hearts awwww.....
Ok lah... See you handsome, Set for $2 enough liao.. hohohohho
OH something cute and nice! Plants in an EGG! Will watch them grow hehe
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Something to Share
Playing @ blog...
"You are the sunshine of my life
"You are the sunshine of my life
Thats why Ill always be around,
You are the apple of my eye,
Forever youll stay in my heart"
~For Butter~
Sometimes I wonder about my own life. On the things that I have gone through, those that I have lost and what I have now.
"If you can turn back time, what will you change?"
Hmmmn...let's talk about Love. My feel.
Those who have been through love will know that it eventually comes with a price of pain. To love is never easy especially it's human nature to be selfish. If you are not hurt in the process of relationship.... at the end of the day, you still gonna lose it..in death.
Let's talk about Love in a relationship. Surprisingly in this real world, many have given up seeking for true Love....coz many have been hurt in relationships...so much that..they seek for sexual pleasures with their hearts shut...a mindset of NO committment...in fact it's their fear of losing...fear of getting hurt all over again....a fear of pain.
I had been through a really bad relationship in the past.....so bad that it took me years to heal.(During that period...I still went for my parties...put on that chipy smile and looking good...what a perfect mask!) Within, I felt lonely despite being with friends...felt that no one would ever understand me. I felt alone. To a point that I was pretty convinced that I could never find someone I could share my heart with (although there had been people who showed they really care about me...but somehow "he's not the one"...yupz..did feel tempted to give it a go but something in me always held me back).
Have you ever felt that way too?
Somehow along the way....I met Butter. He gives me that kinda special feel. A feel that makes me decide to put away the fear and give my best shot. Of coz' I did have my initial reservations...my mind then was "shucks...What if I'm gonna get hurt again??!!!...And I kinda met him out of the blue" and after a few dates...."Haiz...if this gonna hurt me....then be it! Shall give it a last shot and give my best!" so here I am with Butter hehe *wink*
I believe that when we decide to do something....should always give our best! although we may gain nothing out of it. Yea it is disappointing....but at least you get an answer ya. I don't really like sitting around...assuming what's its like to be there....you want something...do it and get it,....you don't try.
Ok back to Love, I believe in true Love heh...If happen that I'm not with Butter now....I rather focus time in other aspects of life. I'm not that kinda person...to simply find a partner and get married..or because "they say so ...it's time to settle." Can't bring myself to do that....feel like somehow...I will regret and let myself down. This is my life...not his...not hers...
Everyone will have someone special out there. It's all about the right timing and learning how to give more than you take.
For those who are not attached, take time to do and fulfil other aspects of life. And for those who have found the love of their life....hmmmn....somehow....you will know "What's next" heh
~Tears and Laughter...that's the beautiful part about Love~
On loss and regret....
I have my fair share....but the hardest was the loss of my Grandma last year. (Thought one only suffered heartache in boy-gal relationship).
My heart was in pain everyday during her hospitalisation and it finally broke when she left that day. It was after midnight....the docs were in the room...everyone seemed to be crying out loud....I didn't...but the tears just kept streaming down...although been telling myself it was better that way.....but at that point...I felt a surge of anger... She had been my pillar of strength since childhood. That was the first time that I felt a huge part being snatched away from me.
Till now, I still feel the pain....and the regrets....some of the things...if only I could turn back the clock.
And on what I have now....and where I am....
I have Butter and of cos' my imperfect family heh....but most importantly...happy being myself despite of the shitz.... do have a certain kinda strength in me...like what I always tell Butter "I'm one tough lady!" hehe
Yah I know...nowadays tend to have this sweet vunerable look.....wahahahaha..
Check out my past job....hehe...let me show off abit here.
I kicked *** with my pair of stylo-milo safety boots heh.
(That was Me briefing the workers on site *wink*)
So it was like a shock when I went over to beauty....always wanted to go into beauty....so here I am...but felt that if I continue to hang on....very soon you will see me "eating grass"....so I'm moving on to the next chapter (pretty soon)....also quite a change....talk about it next time....
So leave it to you to figure why I am sharing this with you....getting tired of blogging here heh....gotta go
Have a great week ahead everyone!!!!!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Favorite Topic
(Finally got time to blog this hehe)
A year ago, was telling myself that I would never cake my face. A strong believer of natural beautiful skin. with the idea that make-up is harmful - A good skin does not need make-up.
Yea, I put on make-up now. Made compulsory for me in the beauty industry. As for basic techniques, I sort of browsed through online. In fact, it has already cultivated a habit in me to put on make-up before leaving the house…and Butter always wonders WHY haha…coz for him, it’s not necessary….well…maybe to simplify my explanation…I’m just vain la :P
Make-up does make one prettier - even skin tone, conceal spots & dark eye rings and most importantly, brighten the face. Makes a woman more confident and presentable at all occasions. In fact for myself, it indirectly improves my sensitive skin condition by acting as another protective layer.
When does a make-up harm the skin?
- When one over-cakes the face
- Wrong / Low quality products
- Poor cleansing (Common)
Looking good with make-up
- Is not from heavy application but from a good skin base.
Scary without make-up (?1)
- A nightmare to most guys ya (haha)
- Will not comment on this (as it depends on individual skin condition, lifestyle and maintenance) but the good thing is…Butter didn’t run away seeing me without one hehe
Why spend so much on beauty?
- Same goes as why some guys spend so much time in the gym, and so much $ on cars :P
Aging is a natural process and your skin looks okay mah?
- it’s an issue on prevention.
- Cells renewal rate is different with age.
- Body is like a mobile shell. You move around with it.
Advice: What looks good on surface now is not an exact reflection of what’s within that's about to explode.
Skin care and make-up techniques?
- click the mouse please
Last but not least, beauty is a lady’s privilege. Moreover, leaving home with a nicely done face…is like a guy leaving home with a nicely gel hair…. the feel is great :)
So guys, stop wondering or complaining on our beauty indulgence. We simply feel good about it.
(Finally got time to blog this hehe)
A year ago, was telling myself that I would never cake my face. A strong believer of natural beautiful skin. with the idea that make-up is harmful - A good skin does not need make-up.
Yea, I put on make-up now. Made compulsory for me in the beauty industry. As for basic techniques, I sort of browsed through online. In fact, it has already cultivated a habit in me to put on make-up before leaving the house…and Butter always wonders WHY haha…coz for him, it’s not necessary….well…maybe to simplify my explanation…I’m just vain la :P
Make-up does make one prettier - even skin tone, conceal spots & dark eye rings and most importantly, brighten the face. Makes a woman more confident and presentable at all occasions. In fact for myself, it indirectly improves my sensitive skin condition by acting as another protective layer.
When does a make-up harm the skin?
- When one over-cakes the face
- Wrong / Low quality products
- Poor cleansing (Common)
Looking good with make-up
- Is not from heavy application but from a good skin base.
Scary without make-up (?1)
- A nightmare to most guys ya (haha)
- Will not comment on this (as it depends on individual skin condition, lifestyle and maintenance) but the good thing is…Butter didn’t run away seeing me without one hehe
Why spend so much on beauty?
- Same goes as why some guys spend so much time in the gym, and so much $ on cars :P
Aging is a natural process and your skin looks okay mah?
- it’s an issue on prevention.
- Cells renewal rate is different with age.
- Body is like a mobile shell. You move around with it.
Advice: What looks good on surface now is not an exact reflection of what’s within that's about to explode.
Skin care and make-up techniques?
- click the mouse please
Last but not least, beauty is a lady’s privilege. Moreover, leaving home with a nicely done face…is like a guy leaving home with a nicely gel hair…. the feel is great :)
So guys, stop wondering or complaining on our beauty indulgence. We simply feel good about it.
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