Asian-American Hollywood actor Jason Scott Lee plays the role of Cheng, a former martial arts champion. His relationship with Emi (played by Singapore's top actress Fann Wong) is threatened by the arrival of Tae whom Emi mentors in dance. Soon, student and mentor appear to develop feelings for each other, leading to a showdown that will resolve the passionate love triangle.Korean sensation Jung Hyuk plays Tae in his first-ever English-speaking role. Veteran Singaporean thespian Lim Kay Tong (Perth, City Sharks) rounds up the stellar leading cast playing the role of Li Bao, an underworld character. Dance and martial arts are pivotal to the films storyline. Ballroom dancing is Taes lifelong dream and through Emi, he can develop this craft. Tae must also face in a martial arts challenge with the loser leaving Singapore - and Emi.
Butter's Review:
A decent effort to display an artistic flim. a soft atmosphere of dancing with a dash of kung fu excitment. This is a good flim to catch in the lazy weekend afternoon. Romantic get away which sends your mind exploring the stars. If not for a few moments which kinda knock me out to dreamland, I would give it an above average rating. Still go watch it if you can.
I give it 3 Butters:
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