27 Jul 08
No sea sick for me...heee....Swallowed a total of 4 little tablets eh...paisei...can't recall the name of the pills now heh (supposedly to cure sea sickness)...bought by Butter...he was so worried heh..normal intake is 2 pills...he made me take 4 wor before getting on board...either he scared I faint.....or perhaps...hmmmn....my scary mood swings :P
...,,,,,,,,,,,.....................Atlas! we reached Bintan Lagoon at Singapore time ~ 12.30pm, Indonesia time is about an hour behind. Check in time was 2pm, hence Singapore time 3pm (!)

So much time...and the buffet smelt really good downstairs....so well....

That was the S$7 (x2) orange juice. Sky juice better...

The buffet cost us a total of ~S$75 (!)...for "chap cai" food...gosh. 10 packets of chap cai rice also dun cost that much. No value for money!
Stroll at the beach.

Isn't that sweet?

Finally...3pm - Check In Time! Have a peek at our room

We spent the rest of the day swimming and strolling. As for dinner....it was buffet again!...anyway...if I ever go back there..I will bring cup noodles...to be honest, I wun...as in...I wun go back there again. Told Butter that I felt like "carrots" there.
28 Jul 08
Buffet Breakfast was complimentary...a consolation. After which, we went for.....

Thought I looked pretty cool in this pic hehe
Oooo...Live Target wor

Haiz...miss by that close...*ahem* my skills ya...let me hao lian abit
And that's Butter's shots *wink*
We missed our bus to the ferry by 2 mins at the resort and ended up walking to a nearby clubhouse. Lucky there was another bus arriving ya...if not we gotta take cab..and dunno how much that gonna cost again.
Nevertheless, we enjoyed the trip...as for going back there...again...I doubt so heh
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