Went to play Table Tennis with Butter at Tampines Sports Hall yesterday afternoon. A previous school team player with a *ahem* first-timer. That was my first time....honored to give it to a Pro hehehehe *naughty wink*

Kinda freak out at the hall...everyone was like seasoned players and pretty serious in the game....I play play only wor....
Butter was really patient with me...from teaching me how to hold the bat proper to hitting the ball. And sorriz ball flew all over the place!
Eh...thought I played not bad la...was quite in control at some point of time...but still...kept Butter busy picking ball :P Thought he was kinda sianz playing with kick...and no chance to show off his power shots heh.
But still, I enjoyed myself much! Probably next weekend, we will go cycling :)
Cool & Sporty Butter. Look so Fit! *Muackz*
So why is Table Tennis called Ping Pong?
Got this answer from Yahoo! Answers
"They are two different games.
Table tennis you serve the ball first so it first lands on your side of the net then it must bounce on the your opponents side of the net. The return must be only hit back to the opposition side.
However in Ping Pong you serve the same way, but the return must also land on your own side as well as the oppositions. So in effect you must double bounce the ball.
People often confuse the two games whilst very similar, they are in fact different!"
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