Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Toast says:

"Life is like a huge piece of paper."

.....written of how one lived.
A piece that may end up a trash or a masterpiece.
Easily stained with mistakes. Easily burnt by fire. Easily torn and crumpled.
Writings colored, highlighted, bold, italic etc.

Paragraphs and chapters with lessons to be taught.
".... , / ????!!!!!!!!"
Usually ends with a dot
Except those that stop abruptly (?!)

Paper turns yellow
And Ink fades over time.
But if it's a good piece
it shall be well preserved
travelling through time
with a story to share.

As an Author,
How would you like your last paragraph to end?
or perhaps...
It's not in your hands to decide the fate....

Life is like a piece of paper
And the Soul is like the ink
How it flows....
is how one breathes...
And how it's written...
is how one lives.


Mind went through many thoughts lately........feeling fatigue......but as what I always believe...everything happens for a reason....and strength sees one through.

Visited a good friend earlier.....was pretty upset and shocked over the news...after what she had been through....I got to know only "now" ...

Really glad that she is doing fine.....we chatted quite a while....I got reminded of how fragile life is and not to take things for granted. Much regret over the loss of should not be repeated.

She is one strong lady.

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