Sunday, June 29, 2008

Movie Reviews: Wanted

"Wanted" tells the tale of one apathetic nobody's transformation into an unparalleled enforcer of justice. In 2008, we're introduced to a hero for a new generation: 25 year old employed slacker, WESLEY GIBSON. Wes is the most disaffected, cube-dwelling, clock-punching drone this planet has ever known. His boss chews him out hourly, his girlfriend ignores him routinely, and his life plods on in interminable boredom and routine. Everyone knows this disengaged slacker will amount to absolutely nothing, and so does he, until he meets the sexy, foxy woman named FOX, and then everything changes.
Butter's Review:
Swirling bullets, superhuman capabilities, fancy cars, sexy Angelina, cool tricks. What more could someone wants from a movie?? Good plot, good effects, good ideas. Definately worth the weekend.
I give it 4 BUTTERS.

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