Saturday, November 1, 2008

Movie Reviews: The Coffin

Can you change your luck? Can you escape bad karma? Can you cheat death?In The Coffin, those questions are answered with a resounding "No!" in the form of a 10-wheel truck T-boning a Mercedes-Benz sedan.It happens pretty quickly too. And once that question is out of the way early on, it frees up the rest of the movie for plenty of jump scares and scenes of ceaseless, calculated beauty from Beautiful Boxer and Pleasure Factory director Ekachai Uekrongtham.
Butter's Review:
Another inside look flim of the weird and bizzare. This flim sets an artistic view of the things people do to protect themselves and their loved ones. Good? One thing's for sure, there's no free lunch in the world. You gain some, you loose some. A very good cast makes up for the struggling plot. Excellent work from the director too.
I give it 3 BUTTERS:

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